Beauty Survey 1. What is your daily skincare routine?(Required)2. Do you feel you are ageing?(Required) Yes No 3. What can you do to improve your skin?(Required)4. Have you thought about having some treatments?(Required) Yes No 5. Do you feel you're worth it, as so many people put themselves second? Are you that person?(Required)6. Do you want some help with skincare?(Required) Yes No 7. Would you like help with health and fitness?(Required) Yes No 8. Can you be bothered to change?(Required) Yes No 9. Do you feel you are doing well?(Required) Yes No 10. What do you love about yourself?(Required)11. What do you hate about yourself?(Required)12. Do you wish you could do something in beauty, maybe aesthetics or beauty treatments? 13. Do you feel you are too old to learn? Yes No 14. Would you like to learn if you had the chance? Yes No Name First Last Email That’s all for now. You are now entered into my competition for a skincare range x Good luck!