Fitness, Health and Well-Being Directory

The Health Fairy business directory has been set up to make it easy for you to advertise your business. No matter whether you are home-based, mobile or salon-based, the directory will boost work enquiries. Please contact me if you wish to be added.

The benefits of being listed in our business directory

Each business listing added to our directory benefits from the following:-

  • Advertising done for you.
  • We give you the ability to upload multiple images, price lists, and link to promotional videos.
  • If your business has social media pages on sites such as Facebook and Twitter, links to these can be added to your business listing in the short description field.

Beauticians, hairdressers and personal trainers are sought-after, so get your business listed so that people can find you.

To add your details to our business directory, click on ‘Add Listing’ below and complete as many fields as you can (make sure you complete the ‘Short Description’ field). Once you have submitted your listing, you will need to set up your payment via this link. When we have received your payment, we will set your listing live. If you have any questions, contact Sarah on


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