National Licensing Scheme for Aesthetics

As posted by Social Media Hair and Beauty Awards in Instagram

An Act of Parliament which will give the Government power to introduce a national licensing scheme for aesthetics has been given Royal Assent, meaning it will be enacted into law in England.

Included in the Health and Care Bill was an amendment that said that a mandated licensing regime should be put in place for the more invasive cosmetic treatments.

The amendment also makes it an offence for someone to practise invasive cosmetic treatments without a licence and to practise from unlicensed premises.

Now that the bill has been passed, the scope and details will be determined after a public consultation, but it is expected that this will make it mandatory to hold a licence in order to legally administer injectable treatments including Botox or fillers.

The licensing scheme will introduce consistent standards that individuals carrying out certain non-surgical cosmetic procedures will have to meet, as well as hygiene and safety standards for premises.

The Government has described the amendments as “the next step on the road to effective regulation of non-surgical cosmetic procedures (and hair restoration surgery) in England”.


Credit: @pro_beauty01 (Instagram)