Serves 2

1 clove of garlic grated

1 banana shallot sliced

200g of wholewheat pasta

80g of diced pancetta

1 vegetable stock cube

1 tbsp of Dijon mustard

100ml creme fraiche (‘reduced fat)

Boil your pasta as per packet instructions

Heat a drizzle of oil in a frying pan and cook your pancetta until crispy, wipe the pan with kitchen towel to remove any oils. Reduce the heat and add your shallot and cook until starting to soften, pop in the garlic for 30 seconds until fragrant. Add 200ml of water, your stock cube and mustard and give it a good stir. Bring to the boil and add your creme fraiche. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

Season with pepper. Stir in your cooked pasta until nicely coated.

Serve with a nice fresh salad.