What do you do to stay calm and focused, happy and loved?
Do you care about yourself enough to remind yourself daily you are enough?
When I was learning myself, I learnt to do one thing better each day, imagine that, the one thing per day to be a better you. Having a healthy mind creates a healthy you. Try not to sabotage yourself with bitterness, greed, hateful thoughts. Instead believe in yourself to create a wonderful inner you, this is not always easy to do as we have been taught to behave in a certain manner from a very young age. We may have been in an abusive environment, we may have had a poor up bringing. This practice takes time and patience, in which you must have as you have come this far. Where do you see yourself, do you want peace? Do you want to feel happy inside and out, as many of us can feel empty inside, RIGHT?
What you need to do is remove the EGO, this lovely little negative demon that lives inside of every single one of us, stopping you living your best life, keeping you safe from opportunity and abundance. Our body is simple, it needs feeding, drink and reproduction and movement, that’s it. When our body receives signals for these it does ask for ‘yoga; or Hit class or McDonalds or alcohol. It is up to your mind to make the right choices for the body. This is where you either go with what the EGO suggests or your true self and self-caring mind suggests, your ego is looking for a quick fix, as its tired and cannot be bothered to make a good healthy meal, it doesn’t need mediation so just lay back and watch tv for your five minutes with a bag of crisps, or cake, you know this as you feel the little gremlin rearing its ugly head now. Stop! think about your choices, the ego is jealous, based with fear all the time. The ego makes excuses, ’oh it won’t hurt just this once. Go on eat the cake’ remind you of you ? it did me! It is not always a easy journey to change, but it is the right path and you will in turn thank yourself for reading this.
As a saying goes ‘ we have to walk somewhere, to get somewhere it may not always be easy but after you will feel at ease’

If you believe the ego, how can you see the amazing life you have in front of you. If you do not believe you will self-manipulate yourself and the Ego WINS. Do you believe someone is out to get you? Or are you out to get you.
If you are ready for a change we can help you. There are ways and methods to train your mind to let go of the ego. You have already taken a step, you are here.
Welcome to The health Fairy, you are now going to learn more and more daily with our knowledge and experiences to help you learn to love yourself. You are now on the best journey of your life..