Serves 2
4 slices of good quality bacon
1 onion diced
1 small cauliflower blitzed
1 red pepper diced
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 clove garlic grated
1 tbsp basil chopped
2 eggs (free range)
Handful of cherry tomatoes
Dash or Worcester sauce
Put a non stick frying pan on medium heat and drizzle with oil, pop in your onion, pepper, paprika, garlic and cauliflower and cook until your veg is soft. (if it looks like it’s catching on the bottom. Put a tbsp of water in the pan and pop a lid on to steam)
Stir through the basil, season, pop in your Worcester sauce and then crack your eggs in and give it a good stir, cook for a further 3 minutes or so until all cooked through.
Pop your bacon under the grill until cooked to your liking.
Divide your cauli, egg mix onto 2 plates, pop a few tomatoes on the side, top with bacon and enjoy.