The Fairy Shop

Flax Seeds: A Tiny Powerhouse for Heart Health, Weight Loss, and Gorgeous Hair
by Sarah Hunt | Jun 19, 2023 | Top Tips
Introduction: Flax seeds, often referred to as a superfood, have gained popularity for their numerous health benefits. From promoting heart health to aiding in weight loss and even enhancing hair volume, these tiny seeds pack a powerful punch. In this blog post, we...
Unlocking the Benefits of Castor Oil: A Natural Remedy for Health and Wellness
by Sarah Hunt | Jun 19, 2023 | Top Tips
Introduction: Castor oil, a time-honoured traditional remedy, has been widely used for its healing properties in treating various health conditions, from skin issues to constipation. However, recent studies have shed light on additional benefits of castor oil,...
Unlocking Your Confidence and Drive:
by Sarah Hunt | Mar 23, 2023 | blog, Uncategorized
A Guide to Starting a Career in Beauty as an Ageing Woman As women age, they face unique challenges when it comes to pursuing their dreams and starting a small career in the beauty industry. Often, women who have spent years raising children or caring for...
Fairy Treats
by Sarah Hunt | Feb 21, 2023 | Dessert Recipes, Recipe
Ingredients: Packet filo pasty0% fat yogurt or light cream cheeseLemon curdLemon zestSkimmed milkDigestive biscuitsRaspberries Method: Cut your filo into small squaresOil cupcake or muffin tinsPlace the squares in the tin spacesAdding skimmed milk then layer pastry 7...
Whizzy Nutty Swirls
by Sarah Hunt | Feb 20, 2023 | Dessert Recipes, Recipe
Ingredients: Half a jar of mincemeat5 cooked chestnutsHandful of walnutsPuff pastry (pre-made for ease)Coconut or brown sugarSkimmed milkCinnamon if you wishIcing sugar Method: Blend the nuts and mincemeat in a processor Lay out your pastry Place mincemeat and nuts...
Bacon & Eggs Tortilla Wrap
by Sarah Hunt | Jan 5, 2023 | Breakfast Recipes, Recipe
It’s a Wrap! Calories 356k Ingredients 1 Tortilla wrapTsp coconut oilEggs 2Bacon thin cutDollop of lightest cream cheeseSplash oat milk or milkLots of pepper and brown sauce Method Fry oil till hotFry chopped bacon till crispyMix the eggs cheese in jug with milkAdd...
The Honey Scramble
by Sarah Hunt | Jan 3, 2023 | Breakfast Recipes, Recipe
Bacon chopped and fried Egg smashed in the pan scramble Toast a bagel - raisin ones are lovely Place egg and bacon on top of the bagel Add honey Delicious! 385k
Bacon, fruit and maple syrup on wholemeal bread
by Sarah Hunt | Jan 2, 2023 | Breakfast Recipes, Recipe
4 bacon medallions 2 eggs if you desire 1tsp of honey 1slice of wholemeal bread cut into 4 Low-fat oil Handful of fruit you desire I tsp maple syrup Grill or fry bacon to your desired style Calories 518. Without egg: 338k Takes 10 mins to cook 5 mins to prepare Add...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
by Sarah Hunt | Oct 17, 2022 | blog
Body Dysmorphic DisorderWhat Is Body Dysmorphia And How Is It Treated? Perhaps you've never heard of it, but body dysmorphia is more common than you might think. According to the International OCD Foundation, up to 10 million people have body dysmorphic disorder. In...
Coping With A Toxic Relationship
by Sarah Hunt | Oct 15, 2022 | blog
The above video was a Facebook live I did on Friday October 14. Well these are the pictures I found on my phone... where I was kicked and thrown out of my home whilst trying to collect some of my stuff, only to find...many things I shouldn’t. Things like balloons and...